Case Study: Shkodër, Albania

A substantial amount of unmanaged plastic waste, especially from areas with low collection rates and agricultural zones, contributes to environmental pollution.

Context & Description

The municipality of Shkodër is composed of 11 administrative units, comprising 202,254 residents.

The municipality has a privileged proximity to water systems, as its main city (Shkodër) lies on the largest lake of the Balkans, which has the same name, and is also situated on the banks of the Buna, Drink and Kir rivers. The municipality spans from the Adriatic Sea to the foothills of the Albanian Alps.

The municipality of Shkodër offers diverse economic and societal realities, which are reflected in its SWM system. The entire municipality was studied by dividing it into 4 clusters” to identify the upscaling potential of the WFD and capture the diversity of SWM operations.  The clusters included (i) area receiving high collection coverage, (ii) area receiving low Collection coverage, (iii) area with agricultural characteristic, and (iv) area with touristic activities.

Survey Implementation Arrangement

City Shkodër
Financed by GIZ
Implemented by International and National consultant

Overview Data

Population 202,254 (2020)
Waste generation rate, including commercial and institutional waste 0.9 kg/cap/day (high collection coverage)
0.3 kg/cap/day (agricultural)
Total MSW generation 113 tonnes/day (high collection coverage)
5.5 tonnes/day (agricultural)
Collection rate 94% (high collection coverage)
75% (agricultural)
MSW sent to disposal 106 tonnes/day / 94% (high collection coverage)
4 tonnes/day / 75% (agricultural)
MSW sorted for recovery 0.5 tonnes/day / <1% (high collection coverage)
0 tonnes/day / <1% (high collection coverage)
MSW managed in controlled facilities 0%
Plastic waste generation High collection coverage / Agricultural 5,772 tonnes/year (High collection coverage)
280 tonnes/year (Agricultural)
Unmanaged plastic 394 tonnes/year
7% of the entire plastic waste generation
Unmanaged plastic waste Agricultural 76 tonnes/year
27% of the entire plastic waste generation

MSW Composition at Point of Generation

WFD Results Shkodra City

Plastic waste to the environment 349 tonnes/year 7% of the plastic waste generated
Plastic to water systems 175 tonnes/year 258 trucks
Plastic to water systems per person 1.4 kg/person/year 47 PET bottles per person

WFD Results in Shkodër

Contribution to Unmanaged Plastic Waste by SWM Stage

Plastic Leakage Potential Levels per Leakage Influencer in Shkodër City

WFD Results Agricultural Area

Plastic waste to the environment 76 tonnes/year 27% of the plastic waste generated
Plastic to water systems 36 tonnes/year 53 trucks
Plastic to water systems per person 2.0 kg/person/year 66 PET bottles per person

WFD Results in the Agricultural Area of Shkodër

Contribution to Unmanaged Plastic Waste by SWM Stage

Plastic Leakage Potential Levels per Leakage Influencer in Shkodër Agricultural Area

Lessons Learned & Challenges

  • The clustering approach is a useful when a city has diverse SWM realities. Although it duplicates the workload, it offers more precise information;
  • Having a local guide saves a large amount of time and effort. Since contact with local stakeholders is more trusted, any plastic pollution hotspots are found more easily;
  • Very little data is available for the role of the informal recovery sector and approaching this sector can be challenging, especially when they are in conflict with local authorities.

Use of WFD & Triggered Change

  • The application of the Step 4 of the WaCT, “MSW received by recovery facilities”, provides reliable information on the quantity of recyclables recovered, especially when the informal sector dominates the recovery value chain;
  • The use of the WFD allowed the municipality to understand the mechanisms that release plastics into the environment, and the need to expand collection services to rural areas and raise awareness;
  • The WFD results have been used in national events as a basis for opening discussions on tackling plastic pollution emissions. The Shkoder case study pioneered an approach to Upscaling results into wider regional assessment.

This case study was done by GIZ project Marine Litter Prevention in the Western Balkans.

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Waste Flow Diagram