The Waste Flow Diagram (WFD) estimates the amount of solid waste entering nature and the oceans from various sources. A scenario function is used to simulate how improved waste management could reduce pollution and prevent marine litter.
Relates to any and all stages in the SWM chain where waste containment / storage is required, especially A) Formal Collection (at point of generation and community bins / transfer points), B) Formal sorting/recovery/recycling, and B) informal sorting/recovery/Recycling
Best Practice | Practices to avoid |
All waste (whether segregated organics, recyclables, mixed, or residual) is to be appropriately contained or stored at point of generation or accumulation to prevent leakage prior to primary and or secondary collection. Containers should be compatible with collection system and vehicles in the previous and subsequent links in the SWM chain. | Avoid openly storing uncontained waste outside without any dedicated container (e.g. at the curbside or in temporary disposal sites). Avoid low collection frequency (i.e. collecting once per week when sufficient waste is generated daily to require collection) and avoid waste being disposed of loose |
Very High | High | Medium | low | Very low |
Most of the waste is openly stored outside without any dedicated container (e.g. temporary disposal sites). Frequency of collection is very low compared to what is required. Service is very often delayed beyond the minimum frequency. Most waste is disposed
| Containers are available in most but not all
| Containers are available in most but not all districts. The storage containers are open to the environment (no lids / gaps inside), show low levels of damage, and are not easily accessible by animals. The capacity of the bins is generally sufficient for the quantity of waste but some dumping of waste around the collection container may occur. Frequency of collection is slightly below what is required. Service is occasionally delayed beyond the minimum frequency. Waste is occasionally disposed of in bags.
| Containers are available in all districts but are typically open to the environment (no lids / gaps inside), show low levels of damage, and are not easily accessible by | Containers are available in all districts with them closed to
Very High
Very Low
Ensure sustainability of:
Best Practice | Practices to avoid |
Waste containers and collection vehicles are compatible and easily loaded (preferably automatically) from closed container directly into leakage free collection vehicle (hand cart or motorised). | Avoid loose handling of material where plastic might fall and leak from the collection containment whether that be the bin or the vehicle. Avoid requiring manual loading to vehicles with shovels / wheelbarrows / heavy machinery. Avoid the use of fixed collection containers / locations in favour of mobile containers |
High | Medium | low |
Most of the waste must be manually loaded to vehicles with shovels /wheelbarrows / heavy machinery. Waste is transferred to the collection vehicle from a fixed collection container /location.
| Most of the waste must be manually loaded to vehicles however the storage containers are generally portable and are transported to the waste collection vehicle with the waste still inside.
| Most of the waste is loaded using automatic systems. The storage containers are portable and are transported to the waste collection vehicle with waste still inside.
Measures for improvement according to each leakage level
Best Practice | Practices to avoid |
Primary (recyclables and residual waste) collectors’ transportation vehicles / carts, where used, prevent leakage by being closed to the environment (i.e. high sided and covered where required) and are not overloaded. Regularly maintain vehicles / cart to keep them in good condition, ensuring sufficient budget / operator model to conduct repairs and ensure frequency of collection is suitable for collection area and vehicle to avoid requirement to overload transport. | Vehicles with very small capacity that end up being overloaded to collect the quantities of waste generated in the collection area. Infrequent collection resulting in excessive waste being collected. |
High | Medium | low |
The majority of primary transportation
| The majority of primary transportation | All primary transportation vehicles are closed to the environment (i.e. covered), stays within its capacity limit and may contain advanced features such as compaction mechanisms.
Measures for improvement according to each leakage level
Best Practice | Practices to avoid |
Ensure primary collection containers / vehicle / cart are compatible and can easily transfer materials directly into larger secondary transport vehicles in a specific facility or location with good site management measures in place to prevent leakage. Ensure proper site or vehicle management that immediately identifies and collects spilled waste | Transferring waste between containers / vehicles / people that are not directly compatible or without a dedicated facility such that waste can spill and not be contained and immediately collected. Avoid low collection frequency between transfers (i.e. long wait times) such that there is an increased risk of overflowing or overloading. Avoid requiring waste to be unloaded onto the ground prior to loading the secondary transportation vehicle. Poor / non-existent site managemen |
High | Medium | low |
Collected waste is transferred between multiple vehicles / people with low frequency between transfers (i.e. long wait times). There is no dedicated facility for the transfer of waste with this generally occurring on the side of streets. Waste | Collected waste is transferred between multiple vehicles / people with a typically short frequency between transfers. There are dedicated facilities for the transfer of waste although waste containment during transfer is poor, typically being loaded onto the ground prior to loading the secondary transportation vehicle. Site management is generally adequate | Collected waste is adequately transferred between multiple vehicles / people. There are dedicated facilities for the transfer of waste with high levels of waste containment. Waste is transferred either directly into secondary transportation vehicles or stored in designated compartments. Site management is good. |
Measures for improvement according to each leakage level
The Waste Flow Diagram (WFD) estimates the amount of solid waste entering nature and the oceans from various sources. A scenario function is used to simulate how improved waste management could reduce pollution and prevent marine litter.